Over the recent years we have done just that; both with our time (running events for the community) and in our giving to missions and compassionate ministries. When you add it all up it is actually rather amazing. Praise be to God!
With the Advent season now upon us, our focus in December usually turns to blessing others. There are so many needs, here locally, and around the world.
I’d like to suggest several ways that you can be a blessing:
1: The Salvation Army
- The Salvation Army Christmas Kettles could always use some help—both in standing by the kettles (volunteering your time) and in putting a donation in the kettles. The kettles are now up and running in various locations throughout Whitehorse. Our church has made a commitment to help on Saturdays. If yu can help stand by a kettle on a Saturday, please speak to Dorothy (there is also a sign up sheet in the foyer). If you are unavailable on Saturday but would still like to help, please call the Salvation Army directly to volunteer. They have many slots throughout the week that will need to be filled. They will love to hear from you. You can reach them at 393-8320.
2: The Whitehorse Food Bank
- The Whitehorse Food Bank could always use more food items. We have a “Reverse Advent Calendar” that we would like to suggest. Each day you are encouraged to put a specific item in a box or bag at home then bring those items to the church each Sunday. We will then send these down to the food bank each week. What a great way to support our local community.
3: Compassionate Ministries: Giving Calendar
- Another option is to collect funds that will go towards Nazarene Compassionate Ministries work around the world. We have a “Giving Calendar” which shows what you are suggested to give, based on what you have. For example, for Dec. 1st you are encouraged to give 5 cents for each medication you have in your house. Another example; on Dec. 8 you are asked to contribute 5 cents for every light bulb in your house. You total up your giving throughout the month and then make a contribution marked “Compassionate Ministries” at the end of the month.
4: Compassionate Ministries: Gift Catalog
- One other option is to make use of the Compassionate Ministries “Gift Catalog”. The idea here is that instead of buying someone a gift that they may (or more likely may not) use, you can honor someone by buying a gift for someone around the world on behalf of your friend or family member. The gift catalog is available in the foyer. If you do make use of the gift catalog, you are welcome to send the contribution through this local church and we will make sure you receive the tax receipt at the end of the year. You can also access the gift catalog online at this link.
There you have it. Four ways that you can contribute to the needs of others.
Of course, none of this takes the place of reaching out, in person, to your friends, neighbours and loved ones, to do what you can for them as well. But as we've been blessed, again and again, we would do well to turn out attention towards blessing others.