There is little doubt that both Canada and the USA are headed towards further secularization. We have drifted away from moral absolutes (which stated there is a standard of right and wrong) to moral relativism (which stated each person decides for themselves what is right and wrong) and now we are encroaching on moral nihilism.
What is moral nihilism? Nihilism refers to the total rejection of established laws and institutions. Moral nihilism would be the rejection of any basis for moral judgment. We’ve moved from “there is a right and wrong” to “I decide what’s right and wrong for me” and now we’re heading toward “there is no right and wrong”. In essence, we are pushing God out of our nation. When God is rejected a society will eventually fall into anarchy. We have seen this happen with other great societies in history, societies that eventually fell apart. Take a read through Romans 1:18-32 and see if this doesn’t describe what’s happening in our world today. It’s not a pretty picture. Go ahead and look it up. Pay special attention to verses 29-31. This is what happens in a world of moral nihilism. When God is rejected, when the mindset of society is bent on denying God and God removes his hand of blessing on a nation, that nation will crumble. Just like our roads are crumbling, the heart and soul of a nation without God will crumble.
Do I sound like an alarmist? Perhaps. Am I worried? Not at all. God is in control. Man’s rejection of God does nothing to diminish the actual power of God.
Political landscapes may change, economic conditions will rise and fall, and nations will reject the Lord their God, but we are called to remain faithful and to persevere. Our hope is not in the economy. Our hope is not in political parties. Our hope is not in our accumulation of wealth, power or prestige. Our eyes our not fixed on what is temporary but on what is eternal. Our home is not here, we are only passing through. If we really believe this, then all the economic, political and moral upheaval will not shake us. Our hope is in the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He does not sleep. He does not slumber (see Psalm 121)… and His kingdom will come and His will will be done.