I am fairly confident that this is correct information. What’s interesting was the online response following the report. Among the responses were:
- “Who. Cares.”
- “Obviously dieticians have no clue about the Stanley Cup playoffs!”
- “Choose a salad, she says…. hahahahahaha!...that's hilarious!”
- “Hopefully the Canucks score lots of goals, jumping out of your seat cheering must burn some calories.”
I have to say, that on the one hand I feel a sense of relief. It’s not just me. It’s not just the gospel message. It’s not just about every moral value our country has held dear until recent years. Our cultural mindset rejects just about every single form of teaching that has anything to say about what a person does and how a person lives.
And that’s the problem.
We have a mindset that basically says that no one can tell me anything, that I am the final decision maker on all things pertaining to me. Never mind what is “good” for me. Never mind if others are offended. Never mind if something is inherently right or wrong. The only thing that matters is what “I” think and if you so much as even suggest that I am doing something wrong then you need to “back off” and “save the do-gooder lecture”.
That’s what we’ve become. No one can tell you that the choices you make are wrong. If you want an abortion, who is to say that you can’t? If you want pre-marital sex, well, what are you waiting for? If your spouse isn’t fulfilling your needs, there are plenty of other people around. If you want to “marry” someone of the same sex, that’s entirely up to you. It sounds like a page right out of the book of Ephesians: “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more” (Ephesians 4:19).
But it comes at a cost. When society continually rejects any and all forms of instruction, even something as basic as trying to limit salty foods and calorie-laden beer, how can I be surprised when the message of the gospel is rejected? I can’t. But that’s not to say there won’t be an effect. History has shown that whenever a society is bent inward, focused on “what’s good for me” instead of what’s true and right, then that society is heading towards failure. Moral collapse is inevitably followed by social collapse. They go hand in hand.
Now, more than ever, we need to be people who respectfully let the voice of reason and truth be heard. Jesus said it well, “He who has ears, let him hear”.