Volunteer Opportunities
If you would like to participate in some area of ministry, please take a look at the information below. Consider how you can be involved and give us your feedback. Let us know what you are interested in. Please note: this list is certainly not exhaustive. There very well could be areas that are not listed here; maybe something we haven't even thought of. If God puts something on your heart... just let us know. We'd love to hear from you.
Building Committee.
Pot-Luck Crew
Food is just a good excuse for fellowship. We have a new pot luck coordinator (Shelley), but the coordinator can not do all the work herself. She will need a dependable crew to help set out and clean up after a pot luck. if you would be willing to be part of the set out or clean up crew, your help would be vastly appreciated (and enable us to have pot lucks more often!). Maintenance & Repair
Anytime there is a building... there will be a need for maintenance and repair! Anything from replacing a ceiling tile to replacing light bulbs or maybe fixing a leaky faucet. There is almost always something that needs attention around here and one or two persons who could come in one or twice a month would be extremely helpful. We do have a good supply of tools and materials on hand. Host / Hostess
As our host or hostess:
There is often someone who needs a ride to church or Sunday School... maybe even Bible Study. If you are willing to offer regular transportation from your area, your help would be appreciated as we do have several people who rely on transportation on a regular basis. General Cleaning
There is always some cleaning that is necessary in the sanctuary or elsewhere in our building. If you would be interested in coming in once or more a month to dust, vacuum, or any other cleaning, your help would be appreciated so much. We can assign you to an area of the building that would be your section. |
Board and Committees
There are special instructions or information regarding each of these board and committees. Click on any one of them to learn more about the roles and responsibilities in each one. Children's Ministry
If you are interested in being involved in ministry with children, we would love to hear from you. Children's Ministry is a great opportunity to impact the lives of our youngest members - and the best part is that you don't have to do it every week. Even if you can sign up for at least one Sunday a month, we would certainly appreciate that. As is standard procedure, anyone working with children or youth will need to obtain a free RCMP criminal record check. These forms are not difficult to fill out and are available from the pastor. You will also need to read, understand, and agree to comply by our Abuse Prevention Handbook. Daycare Ministry
Jesus welcomed the children, and you can too! If you would like to volunteer in our daycare ministry, either by helping in the kitchen (snacks or meals), baking goodies, or reading with the kids, telling stories, helping with a special project, or whatever else, your help would be appreciated. As this involves working in or around our daycare children there are some government requirements that you will need to meet (criminal record check, immunization, that sort of thing), but no special training is necessary to volunteer - just a love for children! Please speak to Pastor Clayton for more information on this. Music Ministry
Ministry on the Worship Team is based on talent, attitude, commitment, potential, and a heart for worship, but not necessarily in that order. The most important requirement is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ reflected in our lives as well as in our own worship experience. If you have a deep love for the Lord and a desire to use your gifts in the music ministry, please do not hesitate to contact us. As a member of the worship team, you would need to be available for up to 1.5 hours each week for practice. Food Drive Coordinator
Each year the churches of Whitehorse get involved in an annual food drive with the collected food going to the Whitehorse Food Bank. As our local church coordinator, you would be responsible to: