In May 2009 Shirley came to visit the Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene. She seemed to find a connection there that had been lost somewhere along the way. She attended regularly; made many friends; and most importantly, reconnected with her Lord and Saviour. She soon became a full and enthusiastic member of the congregation.
Just sitting in the pews on Sunday mornings was not her idea of church life. She participated in virtually every Bible Study group that there was; whether it was on Sunday mornings (which she attended regularly) Wednesday afternoons or evenings, or the monthly Ladies Bible Study. She was always there. She had a thirst to know God. She learned, she loved, and she longed for even more!
Even though her own health was not the greatest, she made the effort to volunteer in the Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene Daycare. She would come in three mornings a week and prepare the kids morning snack as well as their lunch. She loved her "job" but even more so, she loved the hugs from the kids. Every one of them would come to her and greet her in the mornings. However, her commitment to the daycare didn't end there. Often times she would use her own limited resources to supply the daycare with special treats for the kids. It was not unusual to see her come to the daycare with some special groceries for the children {for example, take a close look at the green basket in the photo below... it is full of extra's she is bringing for the daycare kids). She gave and she gave and she gave. When a Daycare Ministry Committee was formed; she was there. When the church was trying to figure out how to plan for it's 50th anniversary celebrations; she was there.
Shirley became a very integral part of the life and ministry of the church. It was not just something she "did" on Sunday's, it was a part of her life. She developed many friends, many of whom came and helped her out from time to time. She was a blessing to others, and others were a blessing to her. Her life and ministry in the church was exactly how it should be. We are all very proud to have known her and have had her in our hearts and in our lives.
Please feel free to add your own comments or thoughts below. We'd love to hear how Shirley impacted your life.