During her twenty years as Director, she was responsible for many hundreds of children. She was always the first to arrive and the last to leave the Daycare. She gave her best because she considered her work in the daycare a part of her work for the Lord.
At a time when there were no subsidies for daycares, Sheila made sure every child was fed. She did what was needed in order to make the centre a better place for all the kids, regardless of who they were.
After serving as Director for 20 years, Sheila retired and relocated out of the Yukon moving to Tumbler Ridge to be closer to her family. Later, she sold her home and moved to Wanham Alberta to be even closer to her daughters. Her family was always very important to her. Being surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren was her joy.
Besides being the dedicated mother of five children and the respected daycare director, she was also a committed woman of faith very much involved in the life of the church. She was determined to read and study her Bible. She would spend the early part of Tuesday mornings, long before the daycare opened, praying for the staff, the children, the parents, and of course, the church. She was a great support to Pastor Norman and encouraged many people in the church.
She was loved by all who knew her and on October 7, 2012, she went to meet the Lord who she loved.