Understanding the New TestamentA six-week review
Please join us at the Whitehorse Church of the Nazarene (2111 Centennial Street) for a six-week overview of key New Testament topics. Everyone is welcome to join us, no previous study is necessary. Our study will be held Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. Below are descriptions of each week's topic. You can click on the topic title for a link to the study material. |
Jesus the Messiah (Feb. 5)
From the moment that Adam and Eve sinned, God has been working a plan of redemption. Even through Israel’s failures, God’s plan remained intact. In our last session on the Old Testament, we noted that God gave Israel two important promises: (1) God would send His Messiah, who would be a King from the line of David, and (2) God would establish a new covenant to restore His relationship with His people.
The Great Commission (Feb. 12)
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection should affect every day of your life. During His short time on earth, Jesus challenged the religious leaders and their assumptions about what it meant to please God. He showed us what God intends humanity to look like, and tore down every barrier that would keep us from being the people God made us to be. Jesus’ mission on earth was to see God’s power, love, and healing permeate every aspect of this broken world and our broken lives. He came to see God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven. One day, Jesus will return to finish this task, to take all things and make them new (Rev. 21:5). But in the meantime, He has given us a mission to accomplish.
The Spirit of God (Feb. 19)
Do you feel desperate for the power of the Holy Spirit today? If not, you may have a misunderstanding of who you are or who the Holy Spirit is. Every aspect of our salvation is dependent on Him. Without the Spirit, we can’t know God, understand Scripture, overcome sin, or transform the people around us. We are spiritually impotent without the Spirit, so it is vital that we have a right understanding of who He is and what He does.
The Early Church (Feb. 26)
Somewhere along the line, it became popular to pursue Jesus while shunning organized religion. We even hear from people who “love Jesus but hate the church.” While no one can deny that the church has its share of problems, Jesus never gave us the option of giving up on His church. And He certainly would not approve of us “hating” her. The church was His idea, so it is impossible to follow Him while shunning the church He died to save.
Good News for All Nations (March 5)
Is Jesus your personal Savior? That’s a common phrase in the Christian world. Jesus should be your personal Savior. But make sure He is much more than that. Jesus absolutely saves individuals in a personal way. If your broken relationship with God has been restored, it’s because Jesus sacrificed Himself for your sin and God’s grace has renewed your heart. This happens to individuals—no one is saved because she has Christian parents, attends a church service, or lives in a “Christian nation.”
The End of the Story (March 12)
The more we think about the end, the stronger and more effective we will be as Christians. It keeps us focused on the goal. It reminds us that God is not finished working and that everything will be accomplished in God’s perfect timing.
From the moment that Adam and Eve sinned, God has been working a plan of redemption. Even through Israel’s failures, God’s plan remained intact. In our last session on the Old Testament, we noted that God gave Israel two important promises: (1) God would send His Messiah, who would be a King from the line of David, and (2) God would establish a new covenant to restore His relationship with His people.
The Great Commission (Feb. 12)
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection should affect every day of your life. During His short time on earth, Jesus challenged the religious leaders and their assumptions about what it meant to please God. He showed us what God intends humanity to look like, and tore down every barrier that would keep us from being the people God made us to be. Jesus’ mission on earth was to see God’s power, love, and healing permeate every aspect of this broken world and our broken lives. He came to see God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven. One day, Jesus will return to finish this task, to take all things and make them new (Rev. 21:5). But in the meantime, He has given us a mission to accomplish.
The Spirit of God (Feb. 19)
Do you feel desperate for the power of the Holy Spirit today? If not, you may have a misunderstanding of who you are or who the Holy Spirit is. Every aspect of our salvation is dependent on Him. Without the Spirit, we can’t know God, understand Scripture, overcome sin, or transform the people around us. We are spiritually impotent without the Spirit, so it is vital that we have a right understanding of who He is and what He does.
The Early Church (Feb. 26)
Somewhere along the line, it became popular to pursue Jesus while shunning organized religion. We even hear from people who “love Jesus but hate the church.” While no one can deny that the church has its share of problems, Jesus never gave us the option of giving up on His church. And He certainly would not approve of us “hating” her. The church was His idea, so it is impossible to follow Him while shunning the church He died to save.
Good News for All Nations (March 5)
Is Jesus your personal Savior? That’s a common phrase in the Christian world. Jesus should be your personal Savior. But make sure He is much more than that. Jesus absolutely saves individuals in a personal way. If your broken relationship with God has been restored, it’s because Jesus sacrificed Himself for your sin and God’s grace has renewed your heart. This happens to individuals—no one is saved because she has Christian parents, attends a church service, or lives in a “Christian nation.”
The End of the Story (March 12)
The more we think about the end, the stronger and more effective we will be as Christians. It keeps us focused on the goal. It reminds us that God is not finished working and that everything will be accomplished in God’s perfect timing.