Port au Prince |
Port au Prince has a population density of 39,120 persons per square mile. In comparison, Whitehorse has a population of 145 per square mile (according to Wikipedia). That puts it 270 times more densely populated than Whitehorse.
The sights, sounds, and sometimes smells of Port-au-Prince were very evident. There was no such thing as a single colour bus. It didn't exist. They were all painted in all manner of colour and decoration. Made for very interesting sights.
Busses and tap-taps (kind of a taxi service but think "back of pickup truck crammed with as many people as possible") were everywhere.
The sights, sounds, and sometimes smells of Port-au-Prince were very evident. There was no such thing as a single colour bus. It didn't exist. They were all painted in all manner of colour and decoration. Made for very interesting sights.
Busses and tap-taps (kind of a taxi service but think "back of pickup truck crammed with as many people as possible") were everywhere.