COVID-19 Protocols
We "anticipate" returning to open services on June 21. When we do return, we will adhere to the following protocols. These protocols will change over time, but will always be within the guidelines that are given to us from health officials.
- Our church has two sets of 10 pews. Each row is 3 feet apart so by eliminating alternating rows, we immediately limit the "vertical" space between people to 6'. As the pews are 12' wide, we can easily put a large family bubble (two families who have "bubbled" together) on one pew, or we can put one or two people at one end of a pew and one or two people at the other end of a pew, so long as there is at least six feet between them.
- We will understand that not everyone will feel comfortable gathering at the church again; at least not right away. We will ensure that those who do not feel comfortable coming to the church are encouraged to take their time in returning (in other words, no pressure for people to come back right away). The worship services will continue to be available online.
- We will have people going up one way (up the centre aisle) and returning one way down the side aisles.
- We will try to have assigned seating for our "regulars" so as to maximize our space usage.
- Singing is not prohibited in the Yukon, but is encouraged to keep it minimized and ensure that those on the platform are a greater distance from the congregation.
- We will have hand sanitizer at the entrance with instructions for people to make use of it.
- We will absolutely ask anyone who is feeling sick to stay home - even if it is not COVID related.
- We will welcome those who wish to wear a mask if that makes them more comfortable. As of December 1 masks are mandatory.
- We will clean the washrooms, door handles, and common areas between services; having a designated person(s) to clean.
- We will not engage in physical contact (hugs or hand shaking).
- We will not pass an offering plate (although people will be able to drop off an offering if they wish).
- We will direct people to "exit" through the wheelchair ramp (so as to not mix with others coming in the front door)
- We will plan on having our services last no more than one hour.
- We will ask our Filipino congregation to be out of the building by 10:20. This will give us some time to clean before people start coming for the English service.
- We will keep records of those in attendance each Sunday.
- We will not have coffee/social time after the service.
- We will not be offering any printed materials (i.e, a church bulletin).
- We will not be offering child care / Sunday School, at least not at the beginning. Eventually, when we do, it would follow the directives given for daycares.
- We will not be offering meals unless there is ample seating while physical distancing. Meals would not be served buffet style but by individuals using masks and gloves as required by Yukon Health protocols.
- When we do have communion, we'll have to do so in a way that provides individual cups and bread and we will need to figure out how to pass these out without people getting close or touching common items. Having figured this one out yet.