One of the dangerous (and harmful) foundations of marriage is premarital cohabitation and/or premarital sex. Under the guise of "getting to know one another" couples often subscribe to this false sense of commitment by being together before marriage. The Bible teaches that intimate or sexual relations must be limited to the marriage relationship between a man and a woman. If you are living together or are currently sexually active it is in your best interest to consider alternatives until you are married. Why is this so important? There are a number of reasons (which we can discuss in person) but I'll offer two here:
Why does this matter? Simply put, in a Christian marriage, we are making a vow before God. It seems counterproductive to make a vow before God while at the same time rejecting what God has already commanded. Truth of the matter is that we've all messed up in one way or another. Scripture says that we all stumble in many ways. But there is a world of difference between one who recognizes a wrong and turns from it, and one who ignores a wrong thinking that they know better than God's Word. If you are living together, it is for your own benefit that you stop, in order to build a strong foundation for your marriage. If you have been sexually involved, I do have some suggested reading on this topic that would be a help to you so that your past would have minimal impact on your future. I would be glad to talk to you more about it.
- Studies have shown, repeatedly, that premarital cohabitation is counter productive in establishing committed and lasting relationships [See this link for more information on this]. [Also see this link which is set in a question/answer format].
- Premarital sexual relations are clearly contrary to God's plan and God's command. and will have a lasting impact on the marital relationship [See this link for more information on this].
Why does this matter? Simply put, in a Christian marriage, we are making a vow before God. It seems counterproductive to make a vow before God while at the same time rejecting what God has already commanded. Truth of the matter is that we've all messed up in one way or another. Scripture says that we all stumble in many ways. But there is a world of difference between one who recognizes a wrong and turns from it, and one who ignores a wrong thinking that they know better than God's Word. If you are living together, it is for your own benefit that you stop, in order to build a strong foundation for your marriage. If you have been sexually involved, I do have some suggested reading on this topic that would be a help to you so that your past would have minimal impact on your future. I would be glad to talk to you more about it.